In February 2008 Terra Firma were appointed to carry out an Urban Design Framework Study for the Chichester Canal Basin on behalf of clients Chichester District Council and West Sussex County Council. Through rigorous site analysis and consultation with key stakeholders, a masterplan vision was developed with short and long term proposals, enabling the Joint Councils to commit £250,000 of Section 106 money towards a first phase of landscape improvements to the Canal Basin, incorporating an Arts strategy.
Following approval of the landscape framework report, Terra Firma were then appointed to carry out detailed designs for the agreed scope of works for this first phase, working closely with the Canal Trust and in partnership with the contractor May Gurney, who implemented the scheme in 2009/10. The project encompasses improved access to the Canal Basin, through a series of elegant stone terrace steps, promontory and walls for raised planters where Laceleaf Alder trees add softness and greenery to the harsh north face of the Basin. Other works include a new disabled access ramp to the pontoon and an improved surface to the seating area west of the Basin. Decorative handrails designed by a local artist, John Thompson, are incorporated in this first phase.
Following approval of the landscape framework report, Terra Firma were then appointed to carry out detailed designs for the agreed scope of works for this first phase, working closely with the Canal Trust and in partnership with the contractor May Gurney, who implemented the scheme in 2009/10. The project encompasses improved access to the Canal Basin, through a series of elegant stone terrace steps, promontory and walls for raised planters where Laceleaf Alder trees add softness and greenery to the harsh north face of the Basin. Other works include a new disabled access ramp to the pontoon and an improved surface to the seating area west of the Basin. Decorative handrails designed by a local artist, John Thompson, are incorporated in this first phase.
Project Name
Chichester Canal Basin
Chichester, West Sussex
Coastal, waterways and wetlands
Landscape Architect
The terra firma Consultancy Ltd
West Sussex County Council and Chichester District Council
Project Team
Project manager/Designer: Terra Firma Consultancy |Project Arts Manager: Olivia Stevens | Structural Engineers: Amey
Year Completed
Contract Value
Overall estimate 3.6 million. Phase 1: '£250,000
Granite walls, setts and steps Steel handrails Nidagravel
Phase 1: May Gurney