Fox Hill Park

Inception of the scheme
breeze were appointed in February 2007 by Sheffield City Council to develop, through consultation a masterplan for Fox Hill Park, which had the potential to be implemented through phased construction to respond to available funding.  A masterplan report was completed in late 2007 and the approved masterplan scheme was implemented in two phases with final completion in 2010.

What was the design ambition?
The client sought to ‘develop a regeneration masterplan for Fox Hill Park, to account for changes happening to the adjacent housing estate and new potential for development.’ The regeneration of the park was to be completed in the context of the SOAR Green Space Commission and Park City Programme, and to provide a site specific design proposal which relates to the unique landscape character of the adjacent ‘back edge’.

The client’s aspiration for the project was for ‘an integrated proposal for Fox Hill which should be high quality, contemporary, transformational, aspirational and reflect the character of the neighbourhood’.

Design process
The design proposals for the Park draw inspiration from the adjacent ‘back edge’ escarpment, providing new football pitches, bmx track, play areas, climbing boulders and community gardens across a series of stone edged terraces. A phased masterplan has been devised for the project to be implemented as funding becomes available, which responds to the proposed adjacent future developments. The first phase of works commenced on site in January 2009 with the construction of the access footpaths, bmx track, football pitch and tree planting. Phase 2 works were completed in March 2010.

Approach to consultation and participation
The masterplan consultation strategy included three open community consultation events, which have taken place on site during the design process, with each one seeking to build upon the work discussed and agreed at the previous event.  To complement these main events a series of detailed design workshops have also been completed in relation to the design of a BMX track, and attendance at local community events including fun days at the local primary school.

Intended users
Existing local community and proposed future community of new residential developments proposed in the immediate vicinity of the park.

Social and environmental context
The masterplan was developed with consideration to a number of proposed adjacent developments which included a new residential development and construction of a new medical centre.

Broader strategic/policy objectives
An over arching vision and framework for the area was developed through the Southey Owlerton Neighbourhood Strategy, a community led planning process jointly sponsored by the Area Panel and Southey Owlerton Area Regeneration [SOAR] Board.  The following were identified as key priorities:
The Environment
Community Safety
Children and Young People


  • Project Name

    Fox Hill Park

  • Location


  • Category

    Parks and gardens

  • Landscape Architect

    Breeze Landscape Architects Limited

  • Client

    Sheffield City Council, Parks and Countryside

  • Brief

    To deliver regeneration of Fox Hill Park, providing sustainable benefits to the local community including quality of environment and health and wellbeing.


  • Local planning authority or government body

    Sheffield City Council

  • Year Completed


  • Contract Value

    Phase One '£150,000, Phase Two '£230,000

  • Capital Funding

    A range of sources including: Section 106, Neighbourhood renewal [SOAR], Play Builder.


  • Materials

    Hard materials: Hard Yorkstone Play materials: Rubber grass safety matting Play structures: Hard Yorkstone, stainless steel, mild steel

  • Suppliers

    Play equipment: Russell Play, Sutcliffe Play, Kompan, Johnson Wellfield Quarry

  • Contractors

    Main contractor: Bernhards Landscapes Limited  

  • Breeze Landscape Architects Limited

    Registered Practice - (1 - 2 Employees)
  • Approximate Map Location



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