To prepare a conceptual framework and masterplan for revitalising this world-class riverfront park and improving integration from the surrounding neighbourhoods. By combining Gorky Park, Neskuchny Garden and Vorobyovy Hills the brief is to, safeguarding the heritage of the 120 hectares of Gorky Park whilst setting a new benchmark in in public space design for Moscow and Russia.
The strategy for the park was required address some key issues:
the limited diversity of users
conflict generated by intensive use in some areas
poor landscape quality and the limited connection between its northern and southern areas and surrounding neighbourhoods
insensitive developments within the park, and parking issues
Through regeneration, restoration and improvement works the Park is to become one of the World’s largest and longest urban parks, combining Central Gorky Park, Neskuchny Garden and Vorobyovy Hills in one riverside complex.
The strategy for the park was required address some key issues:
the limited diversity of users
conflict generated by intensive use in some areas
poor landscape quality and the limited connection between its northern and southern areas and surrounding neighbourhoods
insensitive developments within the park, and parking issues
Through regeneration, restoration and improvement works the Park is to become one of the World’s largest and longest urban parks, combining Central Gorky Park, Neskuchny Garden and Vorobyovy Hills in one riverside complex.
Project Name
Gorky Park
Moscow, Russia
Parks and gardens
Landscape Architect
LDA Design Consulting Ltd
Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
To prepare a conceptual framework and Masterplan for revitalising this Russian riverfront parknd improving integration from the surrounding neighbourhoods.
Highly Commended LI Award 2013, Urban Design Master Planning
Project Team
Project team: LDA Design- Lead Consultant, Masterplanning and Design | ETM Associates - Public Space Management | Barker Langham - Cultural Heritage Consultancy | Debois Landscape Survey Group - Historic Landscape Advisor
Year Completed
Project Size
Contract Value
'£110,000 [fee]