Beauty (AONB).
The purpose of this study is to provide guidance in the assessment of the landscape and visual impacts of different developments with a view to protecting sensitive and distinctive landscapes from inappropriate development whilst encouraging a positive approach to the right development. It is aimed at multiple users including developers when making planning applications, local planning officers when considering applications and planning policy formation. A number of students have also requested copies of the report as an example of best practice.
Project Name
Isle of Anglesey, Gwynedd and Snowdonia National Park Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Study
Isle of Anglesey, Gwynedd and Snowdonia National Park
Landscape Architect
Gillespies LLP
To develop and apply a methodology based on the Welsh LANDMAPsystem suitable for assessing the sensitivity and capacity of the landscapeto accommodate renewable energy, transmission/ telecommunicationsinfrastructure and tourism development. Based on the outcome of the assessment, landscape strategies anddetailed design guidance were to be prepared for each development typeand for each landscape character unit. The primary evidence was to be extracted from published landscapecharacter assessments and the LANDMAP database, supported by fieldsurvey and consultations with the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint PlanningPolicy Unit and the Snowdonia National Park Authority (the client group).
Shortlisted for an LI Award 2015
Project Team
Gwynedd Council: Linda Lee -Senior Planning Officer. Isle of Anglesey County Council: Glyn Jones; Planning, Built and Natural Environment Manager: Gillespies: Sarah Gibson (Associate Partner) Rebecca Greatrix (Principal), Peter Livings (Landscape Architect),Lindsay Robinson (Assistant Landscape Architect). Snowdonia National Park:Gareth Lloyd MRTPI - Senior Planning Officer (Policy)
Year Completed
Additional Information
Gillespies' landscape architects were responsible for delivering this project, including developing the methodology and undertaking all theresearch and field assessment. Representatives from the client group were fully engaged throughout the project and worked closely with the Gillespies team, in providing background information, agreeing the range of developments to be assessed, in exploring and testing the methodology and in helping to develop strategic guidelines. Gillespies' landscape architects were also responsible for managing the extensive GIS database mapping, identifying and extracting the relevant LANDMAP data and writing and desk top publishing the final report. Editorial comments were provided by the Councils and SnowdoniaNational Park Authority. This is one of the the first regional scale sensitivity and capacity assessments in Wales targeted at specific development types and based on LANDMAP. It is one of the supporting documents for the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan.