It is located along the key bird migration route known as the East Asian Australasian Flyway (EAAF) and is designed to attract and offer refuge for several endangered bird species and protect and enhance the local habitat. It consists of a 110-hectare wetland park and bird sanctuary, and will provide a crucial re-fuelling and breeding stop on the EAAF for more than 50 million migrating birds per year.
Water-sensitive urban design
The Bird Airport Sanctuary utilises ground-breaking water design, helping to shape a progressive environmental vision for future projects in the greater Beijing region. The design consists of the following main components:
l Treated wastewater pumped into pond, reed and mudflats
l Recirculation of treated water via water pumps and channels throughout the site
l Incorporation of ‘sponge city’ concepts, such as having systems that reuse rainwater throughout park buildings
Biodiversity net gain
The landscape has been specifically designed to support the needs of more than fifty species of birds in three different water habitats, including an island lake with shallow rapids, reed zone, and mud flats. Ornithologist consultants Avifauna Research were engaged to embed into the overall design the complex interactions of site soils, feed sources, wetland vegetation, and water management.
Creating a green belt for the city of Tianjin
The project delivers green infrastructure, including constructed wetlands, parkland, and urban forest. Recycled wastewater and harvested rainwater are moved through the wetlands using renewable energy and the site is surrounded by a 20-hectare fringing forest to protect the birds from intrusion by nearby urban developments.
An educational experience for the community
The design emphasises eco-tourism and learning via special education programs, guided walks and workshops. Public facilities include wetland trails, a lake loop walk, cycle circuit, and forest walk, making up a 7km recreational nature trail network. This focus on climate education and community engagement enhances the quality of the public realm and ensures long term positive outcomes for the economy, the natural environment, and ultimately the health of the Tianjin city and its people.
Project Name
Lingang Bird Airport Sanctuary
Coastal, waterways and wetlands
Landscape Architect
McGregor Coxall
TEDA Institute of Landscape Planning & Design
Funded by the Asia Bank and led by the Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA) the Lingang Bird Sanctuary is an ambitious project to deliver a flagship ecological wetland precinct. Located along the key bird migration route known as the East Asian Australasian Flyway the wetland design responds to targeted environmental conditions to attract and offer refuge for several endangered bird species.
International Federation of Landscape Architects - IFLA Asia-Pac Landscape Architecture Award (Honourable Mention) - 2017 Australian Institute of Landscape Architects - AILA National Award, International Projects - 2018
Project Team
McGregor Coxall – Landscape Architecture Avifauna Research & Services Pty Ltd- Ornithologist & Environmental consultant Vlad Vernica – Artistic visualisations
Year Completed
Project Size
110 hectares
Capital Funding
Funded by the Asia Bank