Project Name
Madrid + Natural
Parks and gardens
Landscape Architect
Ove Arup & Partners Ltd
Ayuntamiento De Madrid (City of Madrid)
The effects of climate change within the City of Madrid are creating huge challenges which are set to increase in the future. This is impacting on the quality of the city, its places and daily conditions. The city recognised that a new approach was required to create a more resilient, more attractive and healthier Madrid for its residents, communities, workers and visitors. With an economy that relies heavily on tourism, the economic ramifications are particularly critical. Arup designed the strategy to respond to particular challenges around city heat, providing resilience to flooding and water management, drought and water availability, air quality issues, and to changes in ecosystems and biodiversity.
Highly commended LI Awards 2016
Project Team
Landscape practice: Arup; client: Ayuntamiento de Madrid (City of Madrid) – Energy Agency and climate change department
Local planning authority or government body
Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Year Completed
Project Size
Additional Information
Madrid + Natural demonstrates the importance of the profession of landscape architecture leading on nature-based solutions to develop large-scale strategies and solutions that deal with the contemporary issues of our time. In this case, our project responds to the huge impact of climate change on living conditions and the quality of life in our cities into the future. Arup's leadership and thinking helped steer the project towards a strategy plan that enables stakeholders across the city to work together in collaboration (across normal divides) to focus investment and energy towards a common goal. The range of interventions agreed are practical, and can be enacted collaboratively by a wide range of stakeholders from the local authorities, developers, community groups and locals. Many of the Madrid + Natural interventions are small in scale, but many small scale interventions will make a significant impact across the city over time and will spread investment. This enables citizens, businesses and authorities to create a better prepared, more attractive and healthier Madrid for its people and communities. The strategy also emphasises the importance of landscape architecture as a ‘high performance infrastructure' – working in a multifunctional way to deliver both attractive and resilient environments into the city.