The Meridian Water project involved the development of a strategic vision and delivery plan for the regeneration of brownfield and under-utilised employment land on the Lee Valley in Enfield, North London. The project is a very thoroughly worked through masterplan which establishes a strong proposal for a new low carbon urban neighbourhood based around the concept of causeway connecting land parcels, overcoming obstacles and providing connectivity. The plan is responsive to its context and capitalises on green and water infrastructure to provide a pleasant new area to live in. New connections into the wider Lea Valley are proposed promoting healthy living, biodiversity gain and flood management.
The masterplan is due for adoption as SPD in January 2013 following final consultation.
The masterplan is due for adoption as SPD in January 2013 following final consultation.
Project Name
Meridian Water, Enfield
Coastal, waterways and wetlands
Landscape Architect
LDA Design Consulting Ltd
London Borough of Enfield
To develop a robust and sustainable framework for the regeneration of the site and deliver up to 5000 new homes and revitalise and expand existing employment capacity to provide for 3000 new jobs.
LI Awards 2012 - Urban design & masterplanning - Highly Commended
Project Team
Landscape architect: LDA Design. Planning. Economic viability: BNP Paribas. Traffic, transport, sustainable infrastructure: Atkins.
Local planning authority or government body
London Borough of Enfield
Year Completed