Rosia Montana

Terra Firma have been commissioned by a major joint Romanian / Canadian mining venture to undertake extensive landscape assessment work for Europe's largest open cast gold mine proposal, within the setting of a Cultural Heritage Landscape, with recommendations for future restoration works.

Introduced by and working with Archaeologist Dr. Gerry Wait, Terra Firma originally contributed to a Cultural Heritage report, with an holistic landscape strategy for long-term regeneration of a valley in the Transylvanian mountains, decimated by two millennia of gold mining, and new plans for open-cast mining.

The history of goldmining goes back to Roman times (and even before) at Rosia Montana. Current proposals for a new and probably final phase have needed to be assessed carefully in relation to historical cultural landscape factors. In the context of considering a remediation strategy, Terra Firma carried out a detailed study of the potential impacts and mitigation opportunities afforded by the proposed re-opening of open cast gold mining operations. The report makes recommendations for after-use and landscape character pattern strategy.

The Rosia Montana Gold Corporation has completed its Environmental Assessment responsibilities to international standards, and as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment compliance process has given consideration to a wide range of heritage issues. This research programme was adopted by the National Museum of History of Romania, and includes:-
<li>Background research on the archaeology and history of the area of Rosia Montana</li>
<li>A programme of very large-scale archaeological excavation including settlements, temple complexes, and cemeteries</li>
<li>A feasibility study for the creation of an underground mining museum focused on Roman galleries</li>
<li>Statement and public consultation process</li>
<li>Creation of management plans for the cultural heritage sites and buildings</li>
<li>A strategy for cultural tourism to provide sustainable development for the local community</li>
<li>Work with Terra Firma on landscape and visual impacts, historic landscape characterisation, and post-mining landscape restoration masterplan.</li>
<li>An audit of the historic buildings in the villages and valleys with a plan for their emergency conservation and long-term care</li>
The project now awaits consent from the Romanian state, but further work is ongoing with the production of more extensive landscape reports and a conservation management plan, all of which Terra Firma have a significant involvement with.


  • Project Name

    Rosia Montana

  • Location

    Transylvania, Romania

  • Category


  • Landscape Architect

    The terra firma Consultancy Ltd

  • Client

    Gabriel Resources LT


  • Project Team

    Rosia Montana Gold Mining Corporation Technical Team, plus numerous specialist consultants.

  • Year Completed


  • Contract Value


  • The terra firma Consultancy Ltd

    Registered Practice - (11 - 20 Employees)
  • Approximate Map Location


    Transylvania, Romania

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