Specific objectives:
Undertake a comprehensive review of best practice in highly populated urban settings, including 5 overseas case studies.
Undertake a review of current practice in Government departments responsible for tree management.
Formulate a street tree management framework with detailed procedures and work methods for achieving sustainable a high quality street tree population.
Formulate a systematic and cost-effective plan for the care and establishment of young trees on Government land.
To formulate a systematic and cost-effective plan for the on-going maintenance of all trees on Government land.
Formulate a systematic, cost-effective strategic street tree removal and replacement plan.
The Study was commissioned by Development Bureau to aid their tree management section (GLTMS) and provide policy steer to other Departments. It is the first comprehensive review of street tree policy, administrative and technical issues and has been presented to all relevant Government Departments and the Expert Panel on Tree Management.
Project Name
Street management plan for Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Landscape Architect
URBIS Limited
Development Bureau, Works Branch, HKSAR Government
Shortlisted for LI Award 2014
Project Team
Urbis Limited directed by Alexander Duggie was responsible for the entire Study. Urbis researched, wrote and illustrated all project deliverables with coordinated inputs from sub-consultants. NGIS China Limited reviewed and proposed enhancements to the Government Tree Management Information System (TMIS). Dr Billy Hau undertook a review of local biodiversity research relating to street trees and made recommendations for promoting biodiversity through appropriate street tree planting (refer Appendix IV). Mr Matthew Pryor contributed to Chapters 7 and 8 by reviewing current local tree planting and establishment and international best practice.
Year Completed