The purpose of this scheme was to bring the David Livingstone Centre back to life by sensitively developing the remarkable landscape – its greatest asset. To celebrate the life of Livingstone and the landscape that inspired him as a child.
<li>To increase visitor numbers and integrate the centre into the wider visitor networks.</li>
<li>Scope: to examine the wider context of the Centre and its role as a national museum, a community</li>
<li>focus and a hub in the Clyde Valley; the grounds themselves – access and key locations for activity; the  immediate environment of the museum; ecology and positive relationships with adjacent SSSI woodland;</li>
This is a site of national significance that is hard to access and which lies in a area of multiple deprivation, surrounded by inaccessible, but beautiful natural landscape of woodland and river gorge, only eight miles from Glasgow, right beside but separate from the Clyde Walkway and National Cycle Route 7.
The intention of the scheme is to save the museum by drawing people back to it; to reinvigorate the landscape via careful access, artwork and woodland management. To demonstrate to client and public what a rich place this is and why it inspired Livingstone.
<li>To increase visitor numbers and integrate the centre into the wider visitor networks.</li>
<li>Scope: to examine the wider context of the Centre and its role as a national museum, a community</li>
<li>focus and a hub in the Clyde Valley; the grounds themselves – access and key locations for activity; the  immediate environment of the museum; ecology and positive relationships with adjacent SSSI woodland;</li>
This is a site of national significance that is hard to access and which lies in a area of multiple deprivation, surrounded by inaccessible, but beautiful natural landscape of woodland and river gorge, only eight miles from Glasgow, right beside but separate from the Clyde Walkway and National Cycle Route 7.
The intention of the scheme is to save the museum by drawing people back to it; to reinvigorate the landscape via careful access, artwork and woodland management. To demonstrate to client and public what a rich place this is and why it inspired Livingstone.
Project Name
The David Livingstone Centre Landscape Master plan
Blantyre, Scotland
Brownfield, commercial and industrial
Landscape Architect
ERZ Limited
The initial brief was to develop a master plan to re-invigorate the grounds and bring a higher footfall to the museum. The brief has developed, becoming design, implementation, communication and management of the CSGN Funding that we secured two years ago on behalf of our client.
Winner, LI Awards 2013, Neighbourhood Planning
Project Team
ERZ Landscape Architects, Glasgow UPM Tilhill, Dunblane Armours Construction Consultants, Kilmarnock
Year Completed
Contract Value
Approximately £96000 with CSGN Funding £204,000 over three years June 2013, Phase two ongoing