Project Name
Three Mills Green
Parks and gardens
Landscape Architect
Churchman Thornhill Finch Limited
Lee Valley Regional Park Authority/ London Development Agency.
As a component part of the future Lea River Park, Three Mills Green aimed to provide a high quality open space as a resource for the local community but also that will act as a catalyst for future development and a link to the wider Lea Valley Regional Park and the Olympic Park. The specific objectives of the project were to enhance a flexible open space with capacity to host events, strengthen the convergence of key routes along the Lea Valley, introduce play and sport opportunities, and protect and enhance ecological values whilst minimising future maintenance costs and ensuring flexibility for future changes due to future development.
LI Awards 2012 - Design 1-5 ha - Highly Commended
Project Team
Landscape architect: Churchman | Landscape Architects |Fat Walk design: 5th Studio | Ecology: The Ecology Consultancy | Tree services: Arbtech Environmental Services. |Flood risk assessment: Walsh Associates.|Quantity surveying: Jackson Coles. |Public engagement: Creative Process.
Local planning authority or government body
Lee Valley Regional Park Authority
Year Completed
Project Size
2.8 ha