About LDA Design Consulting Ltd
LDA Design is an independent creative consultancy helping clients to deliver places which work well. At LDA Design, we work at every scale, in the UK and abroad. We provide design and landscape-led planning services to developers, landowners, communities, universities and government. We have built our reputation on strong delivery.We know the secret to successful development: it has to be sociable. We start with how people live, in our work as placemakers, masterplanners, urban designers and landscape architects. The living needs to feel easy. People want to belong. We use our imaginations.Places should be memorable. We learn about setting, history and context, so that we can reinforce identity and culture. As planners, we take a positive approach to securing consent, optimising the opportunity to win support. We respond thoughtfully to historic environments and the built heritage. We bring applied expertise in climate change, and understand how to make best use of natural resources